The Solid-State Materials and Devices Group in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the University of Oklahoma is a world leading research group in the field of mid-infrared materials and devices.
As a postdoctoral associate I had the privilege to work in this esteemed group under the super vision of Prof. P. J. McCann.
The work we did was focused on the growth, characterization of IV-VI semiconductors by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), and fabrication of mid-infrared lasers and spectrometers for military and medical applications.
I setup an FTIR characterization system for the work which became a vital tool for the research work of the group for many years after I left.
Related publications are shown here:
“Molecular beam epitaxial growth of Bi2Se3and Tl2Se-doped PbSe and PbEuSe on CaF2/Si(111)”
“Growth and characterization of IV-VI semiconductor heterostructures on (100) BaF2”
“Magneto-reflectivity of PbEuTe epilayers and PbTe/PbEuTe multi-quantum wells”